Links to some distance learning resources
Some of them are institutions accredited by us or to which we provided custom-made solutions in the past. Others can also be useful references for people looking for a distance learning program.

ACS Distance Education
Apollos University
Athabasca University
California Coast University
California Southern University
Canadian Virtual University
CLET College for Law, Education, and Training
College of Management and IT
Columbia Southern University
Commonwealth Open University
Drexel University
École Nationale Privée de Commerce
Excel College
Gratz College
Henley-Putnam University
International Correspondence Schools
Jones International University
Learning at Home
Online Courses Australia
Open Universiteit Nederland
Open Universities Australia
Post University
Regis University
Resource Development International
Robert Kennedy College
Stratford Career Institute
The American University in London
The Art Intitute of Pittsburgh
The Open University of Israel
Troy University
Unitek College
University of London
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Western Governors University

Top 10 Online Degree Colleges
Online Degree, August 2012

Henley-Putnam University
Boise State University
California InterContinental University
Amberton University
Andrew Jackson University
Norwich University
Seton Hall University
Columbia Southern University
Commonwealth Open University